Workshop with Craig Litten in Chicago

In June of 2014 I attended a street photography workshop presented by Craig Litten.  Here are some of my selections from the over 1,200 pictures a took that weekend.

All these were taken with the Fuji X-T1 camera. Thru this workshop I discovered that the Fuji 18mm f2 (27mm full frame equivalent) seems to be my favored street photography lens. Only 5 of these shots were taken with a different lens.

In fact, I spent a whole day shooting (from 10am till after 1am the next day) with just the camera, the 18mm lens and some extra batteries.  It was so nice to walk the city without any bag or backpack.

(click on the image for a larger view)

By the way, this is also a test in how embedding a photo gallery into a blog post will work.  If you have trouble view this images, please let me know.  - Thanks


Workshop with Valerie Jardin in Chicago

In May of 2014 I attended a photography workshop lead by Valerie Jardin. Here are some of the shots a came away with.

Test Post

Just a test post to see how everything looks.

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Rahm Emanuel just before the 2013 Pride Parade

Rahm Emanuel just before the 2013 Pride Parade

Nunc erat quam, adipiscing sit amet quam vitae, mattis hendrerit magna. Etiam ac dapibus magna. Phasellus accumsan purus sem. Mauris in nisl pharetra turpis scelerisque condimentum. Nullam sit amet risus pulvinar nisi pharetra molestie eget vitae eros. Vestibulum dictum orci lacus, eu eleifend nisi accumsan ut. Vivamus dapibus malesuada elit, ac interdum ipsum. Sed rhoncus rhoncus tellus, et ullamcorper felis pretium vitae. Duis tincidunt nisi eget purus mattis, venenatis ultricies nibh volutpat. Proin id dolor vel lectus auctor luctus. Donec eu dolor vitae ligula ullamcorper vestibulum.

Aliquam accumsan facilisis nisi. Proin rutrum vestibulum quam, at pulvinar elit pulvinar sed. Donec vel imperdiet nisl, in fringilla elit. Curabitur mauris lacus, porttitor at ornare et, vehicula quis metus. Donec at cursus orci. Nulla vitae nibh at turpis condimentum dictum at et nunc. Integer tempus, dui at adipiscing lacinia, nisi dolor pretium lorem, non consequat turpis massa sollicitudin massa. Etiam lacus augue, vehicula et neque ut, ullamcorper pharetra tortor.

The first post

Well, here it is.  


The third redesign of my website.  I hope to stick with this one and maybe even make a post  every now and then.  :-)

My plan is to post about every week a couple shots of what I'm photographing now or maybe a something from the past few years.

I'll also be adding a gallery on this site for a more format presentation of my photograph